5 Red Flags That Point to Clog Problems with Your Dishwasher Drain

Dishwashers are a great addition to modern homes as they do the dirty work of washing dishes for you. It can save you from exerting effort as you can run a cleaning cycle without any issues, so long as your appliance is in mint condition.


Dishwashers are a modern miracle, but it’s easy to take them for granted up to their breaking point. One of the common issues that can arise is clogged drains. Drains that are congested can cause major headaches and easily flush your budget down the drain if you leave it unchecked.

With that in mind, the list below should help you prevent your dishwasher’s drains from clogging further by spotting the early warning signs of trouble:


Dishwasher Sign #1: Foul Smell


One of the most noticeable signs of clogged drains from your dishwasher is when foul smells start to waft in the air. The odorous scent of stench is like a punch to the nose, which can become worse if you don’t dig deeper into the problem.


In that regard, clogged drains often lead to a stink bomb as all the waste builds up in the lines of your dishwasher. This acrid residue can lead to even bigger problems, so it’s best to call an expert appliance repair specialist as soon as you notice something smells off.


Dishwasher Sign #2: Dirty Dishes


The point of dishwashers is to clean your plates, so if you find your dishes as dirty as you left them, then there’s an obvious sign of trouble. One of the primary reasons behind its poor performance is that the appliance lacked water due to a clog in your main pipeline.


Dishwasher Sign #3: Gurgling Sounds


Dishwashers are silent heroes that take the hassle out of cleaning your dishes, but hearing gurgling, humming, or thumping sounds are a loud indication of a clog in your drains. This is because the water is trying to push through the barrier along the sewer line, causing the ominous noises.


Dishwasher Sign #4: Water Backing Up into Your Kitchen Sink


The kitchen sink and dishwasher share the same line to your drainage system, so any disruptions in your washer’s drains mean that water will back up straight into your sink. This can cause double the trouble, but before you panic, it’s best to test run the garbage disposal if you have one, as it’s possible there are food particles left in the sink.


Dishwasher Sign #5: Standing Water


If you run your dishwasher and notice a pool of standing water in the bottom of the unit, then it means there are gunk and other residue clogging up the drains of your dishwasher. Cleaning the drain basket may ease the bottleneck, but there may be deeper issues that are best left in the hands of professional repair contractors.


The Bottom Line: Avoid Throwing Your Money Down the Drain by Detecting Early Symptoms of Trouble with your Dishwasher


Dealing with clogged dishwashers can be a major inconvenience. By spotting the red flags early on, you can avoid costlier repairs and ensure your dishwasher is able to take away the drudgery of washing your dirty dishes.


Got troubles with your dishwasher? If you’re looking to get it fixed promptly and reliably, we’re the best appliance repair contractors to call in Melbourne! Get in touch with us today to see how we can help make your appliances work good as new!

Dishwasher facts

It’s smart and cheaper to run your dishwasher at night.

dishwasher overflowing